Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Score Sheets

The following score sheets will be used by judges on Thursday during tryouts :)

Jr. High
A.      Jumps
a.       Toe touch                            10 Points
b.      Pike                                       10 points
c.       Optional jump                   10 Points
B.      Cheer
a.       Motions                               10 Points
b.      Voice                                     10 points
c.       Expression/execution    10 points
C.      Dance  
a.       Rhythm/timing                 10 points
b.      Motions                               10 points             
c.       Expression/execution    10 points
D.      Chant (PEP!)                                      5 Points
E.       Tumbling
a.       BHS                                        10 points
b.      RHS                                        10 points
c.       Optional tumbling            10 points
F.       Showoff
a.       Dance                                   5 points
b.      Stunts
                                                               i.      Half                        5 points
                                                             ii.      Extension            7 points
                                                            iii.      Liberty                  10 points
                                                           iv.      Arabesque          15 points
                                                             v.      Scorpion              20 points
Full downs add     5 points
G.     Overall impression
Athletic, spirit, etc.                          10 points

                F= 10pt

A.      Jumps
a.       Double Toe touch                            10 Points
b.      Pike                                                       10 points
c.       Optional jump                                   10 Points
B.      Cheer
a.       Motions                                               10 Points
b.      Voice                                                     10 points
c.       Expression/execution                    10 points
C.      Dance  
a.       Rhythm/timing                                 10 points
b.      Motions                                               10 points             
c.       Expression/execution                    10 points
D.      Chant (PEP!)                                                      5 Points
E.       Tumbling
a.       BHS                                                        10 points
b.      RHS                                                        10 points
c.       Optional tumbling                            10 points
F.       Showoff
a.       Dance                                                   5 points
b.      Stunts
                                                               i.      Half                                        5 points
                                                             ii.      Extension                            7 points
                                                            iii.      Liberty                                  10 points
                                                           iv.      Arabesque                          15 points
                                                             v.      Scorpion                              20 points
Full downs add                     5 points
G.     Overall impression
Athletic, spirit, etc.                                          10 points

                F= 10pt

A.      Jumps
a.       Triple Toe touch                               10 Points
b.      Pike                                                       10 points
c.       Optional jump                                   10 Points
B.      Cheer
a.       Motions                                               10 Points
b.      Voice                                                     10 points
c.       Expression/execution                    10 points
C.      Dance  
a.       Rhythm/timing                                 10 points
b.      Motions                                               10 points             
c.       Expression/execution                    10 points
D.      Chant (PEP!)                                                      5 Points
E.       Tumbling
a.       BHS                                                        10 points
b.      RHS                                                        10 points
c.       Optional tumbling                            10 points
F.       Showoff
a.       Stunts
                                                               i.      Straight- Up Extension   7 points
                                                             ii.      Liberty                                  10 points
                                                            iii.      Arabesque                          15 points
                                                           iv.      Scorpion                              20 points
Full downs add                     5 points
G.     Overall impression
Athletic, spirit, etc.                                          10 points

                F= 10pt