Wednesday, March 27, 2013

First Meeting Information :)

Parents and Cheerleaders,
It’s time to get the ball rolling! We are very excited about the group of girls we’ve got this year and we expect great things. To get started, we have supplied you with a calendar of the upcoming events for the next couple of months. Below, you will find an explanation of each calendar event:
April 9th           All Jr. High cheerleaders are to report to the high school gym after school to be fitted for their camp clothes. High School cheerleaders are to be there at 4:00. We insist that each girl and their parents who attend exert the upmost patience. It is very generous of the Varsity sponsor to drive to our school to size our girls; we will not move any one girl ahead of another and you are to wait your turn. There will only be a certain amount of girls allowed backstage at a time. Once you have been sized, you are free to go.
April 12th         Lots of things going on today; first off, your Butter Braid orders are due to be turned in to Lynn or Heather. Secondly, this is the night of our annual Junior High Semi-Formal dance. All high school cheerleaders and 5th grade cheerleaders are expected to work the dance from 7:30-11:00. All cheerleaders, Jr. High included, is expected to bring the following to school on Friday: one 12-pack of drinks, and one box of individually wrapped snacks. Get these items to Lynn or Heather sometime during the day.
April 26-27th   Chicken Fest! The Chicken Fest is a fundraiser for the competition squad. All money earned during this event will go towards the cost of competitions. Each girl is required to sign up for one shift on either day. They are to work their shift from start to finish and then they may leave.
April 30th         Physicals due. All cheerleaders are required to have a physical on file with the office- Dr. Smith’s office will do them free of charge. You can turn in your physicals to Lynn or Heather when you come to pick up your Butter Braid deliveries. These may be picked up directly after school. They are frozen, so you’ll want to get them rather quickly and deliver or put them in the freezer.
May 3rd           First half of Camp Package payment due. For junior high, this package includes: camp fee, three t-shirts, 3 shorts, and 3 hair bows for camp for a total of: $356.00 (the first amount due is: $178.00). For high school, this package includes: camp fee, two t-shirts, two shorts, pep rally outfit, and a bow for a total of: $366.00 (the first amount due is: $183.00).
May 9th           Jr. High cheerleaders need to meet in the high school gym at 3:00 to choose a uniform. This should take no more than one hour.
June 3rd           Begin Coke sales fundraiser. You may pick up order forms from Lynn in the High School lobby at noon.
June 5th           Final payment due for Camp Package. Junior High: $178.00 and Varsity: $183.00.
June 12th         Coke order forms and money are due to be turned in to Lynn by this day. Just call her when you are ready to turn in your order. (270) 254-1727
June 13-16th    All girls attend cheer camp at UT Martin. More information to come.
June 24-25th    Camp for competition squad in high school gym to learn new choreography. More information to come.
June 28th         Coke deliveries are to be picked up between 3:30-5:30 at Mrs. Bev’s house. We will send out information on how to get there closer to time. You are responsible for picking up your coke orders. You sell them, you deliver them.

Upcoming Fundraisers
Butter Braid: Each girl who sells Butter Braid is working for herself. Every time one Butter Braid is sold, that cheerleader earns $5.00 towards her cheer account to be used to help pay for her Camp Package.
Coca-Cola: For every case of Coke each cheerleader sells, she earns $7.00 towards her individual cheer account to be used for her Cheer Package. In the past, we’ve allowed girls to choose whether or not they want to sell with or without the hulls… this year, there’s no option you MUST sell the hulls with the cokes.
Chicken Fest: This event is used for the sole purpose of helping the competition squad with their choreography fee. We will be setting up a booth to sell cotton candy. Each girl is required to work for two hours and fifteen minutes.
We want to encourage all cheerleaders and parents to sell as many Coke and Butter Braids as they can. These two fundraisers are done for the sole benefit of helping the girls pay for their packages. Whatever you earn for these fundraisers goes towards your individual cheer account. In the past, we have had girl’s owe less than a dollar on their entire package. Utilize these fundraisers we hand to you.

Demerit System
            We are implementing a new set of expectations for our HCS cheerleaders this year that start immediately. Both coaches want squads equipped with responsible, reliable, and honorable girls. In order to make sure we keep it this way, a Merit/Demerit system has been put into place. We want to let all of you know that this will be taken seriously and once a demerit is given, there’s no going back. Each girl is responsible for his/her actions. If there is a question regarding a demerit, please send us an email and we’ll work out a convenient time for everyone involved to meet and come to a better understanding. Thank you for your support with our new system.
We will have a more in-depth explanation of camp and the details regarding camp closer to time. If you have any questions about any of the other events, please feel free to email (junior high:   high school: ) We’ve also given you a calendar of the next three months, please utilize this to help you remember important dates.
Lynn and Heather